Instagram Rolls Out Another New Update!
Back in August, Instagram added a feature to their app quite similar to a Snapchat feature…Instagram stories. The internet went wild with memes that mocked both social media outlets having the same feature and who is going to stop using what. Many people blamed Instagram for the death of Vine, so many were under the impression that people would stop using Snapchat as well.

IG is now adding live video streaming and disappearing media (private messages) in direct messages.
Instagram’s live video stream will be added to stories and of course will be similar to social media outlets such as the live stream app, Periscope and Facebook live.
When you are done with your broadcast (live video) the video will disappear. IG users can go live up to an hour and friends will be notified when you are going live; you can even pin comments for everyone to see.
Secondly there is the new DM feature: you can DM pictures and videos to individual friends and the media will disappear after the receiver has viewed it. Similar to Snapchat this feature will notify you if the person has replayed or took a screenshot of your message. Disappearing media is strictly for friends, so no creeps or unknown IG friends can send you unwanted pics or videos.
Gsmarena reported that Instagram says more than 100 million accounts are already using Stories, while the direct messaging section has over 300 million users each month. You can only imagine how well people will respond to the new features