Could Usher Be A Possible Contestant for DWTS?

Families nationwide tune into Dancing With The Stars every season. DWTS has featured all kinds of celebrities from Jerry Springer to Lil Kim, so you can only imagine the excitement of being on such a star studded show. Apparently the hit show is turning up the heat with some pretty hot celebrities and Usher just may be one of them.
The R&B legend is not only known for his hit music but also for his amazing dance moves (so you can only imagine how intense this upcoming season would be with his presence). A source reported, “the producers and network are keeping it top secret, but this is major! They wanted an A-lister and he’s one of the biggest names in the industry. Not to mention, Usher is an amazing dancer”. Usher is an out of this world dancer and keeps up with the latest dance crazes. So if Usher is going to be a contestant one would wonder: do the other contestants even have a chance?