Rapper YFN Lucci and Trey Songz new single "All Night Long"

Produced by Hitmaka, YFN Lucci has released new single , "All Night Long" featuring Trey Songz. After his messy and unfortunate breakup with Reginae Carter last month, YFN Lucci explained to sources, “The song is about treating my girl right. I’m on the road a lot so I don’t get to spend as much time with my girl as I would like to, so I wanted to write a song that shows how much I be missing her and what I would do when I get a chance to see her.” Catering to the theme of missing a special person "All Night Long" nicely is a blended sample of the classic R&B jam, Case "Missing you". The songs theme is centered around returning to a lover after spending so much time apart. Lucci continued to explain, “She’s usually busy too so she can’t travel with me all the time.” Trey Songz distinctive vocals breathes the classic R&B tone on the track adding some of Case original flavor singing on the chorus and melody, “Soon as I get home, girl I'ma make this shit up to you baby I've been gone too long from you baby Soon as I get home, girl I'ma show you I'm the one for you baby.”

Lucci adds a fusion of rough and raunchy rap with the edgy and smoothness of his flow. Not quite sure if YFN Lucci is looking to make amends with his recent ex-girlfriend Reginae Carter, but the sensual rendition of the sampled track will be, yet another jam added to the summer playlist of bangers. Check out the track below!