Chrisean Rock Getting Her Front Tooth Fixed
When the news ain't newsing, go with reality TV! What is more real than Chrisean Rock! She is the first artist that was signed by the rapper Blueface in 2020, she seemed ready to begin her career as a new musical artist. Born and raised in Baltimore she currently resides in Los Angeles, California.

In her debut role on a reality show where she initially lost her front tooth. She was adorable in her acceptance and her bright white smile never faltered. Well recently she had her appointment with her orthodontist, and they replaced the missing pearl and she is back in action with a full set! We enjoy her care free attitude and her willingness to put her love out online for all of us to witness. Even going as far as sporting a tattoo of Blueface on
her neck! “When they see me they see you” She said with a smile while live on IG.