Summer trends 2022
We are in the prime of summer; which has led us to discover new season trends and determine which one we like, and the other ones we are not fans of. Let’s take a look at the 2022 Summer Trends that everyone is rocking, and you should too.
Trend #1: Micro/Mini Skirts
Mini skirts are a trend that has been around for a long time, and we doubt will be going away anytime soon. They are a multifaceted garment that go with pretty much anything including sweaters, bralettes, tshirts, blazers, the list goes on.
Trend #2: Platform Shoes
Height and comfortability are two advantages that platform shoes bring to the table. There are so many styles you can indulge in: strappy platform sandals for warm weather, platform boots for the winter, etc the options are endless.
Trend #3: Undergarments Not So Under
From wearing two piece bralette sets to wearing bras as overgarments on shirts and sweaters, 2022 summer is all about bringing the undergarments to the outside. My favorite part of this trend, that some may call trashy, is the peek of thong straps that girls wear with jeans, sweats, shorts, or skirts to give the Y2K look. It is super feminine and sexy.
Trend #4: Fancy Suits
Black and white suits are tired and out. This season is all about colorful and patterned suits. Who said suits have to be boring?
Trend #5: Back to School
Every year around July, although it is in the heat of the summer, kids and parents are preparing for the school season to start back. In light of the school season, the fun summer prints begin to turn into plaids, argyles, hems lengthen (somewhat), and we begin prepping for the fall season trends.
Trend #6: Fringe
Fringe is fab, fun, and exciting. It allows you to elevate an everyday outfit, or go all out for an evening look.
Trend #7: Cut Outs
My very favorite trend that I hope never goes away is cut outs. They are sexy and mischievous, you never know what could be hidden or exposed with a cut out. Silhouettes can be explored with more valor and less caution.
Trend #8: Matching Sets
As I am sure comes as a surprise to no one, matching sets are in. They make choosing the outfit for the day amazingly simple; choose a set, shoes, and accessories and you are on your way. Everyone from the lazy dresser to the most stylish fashionista can benefit from a matching set.
Trend #9: Sheer
These days society does not need their imagination, because we show EVERYTHING. It is no longer taboo for your bra or underwear to be seen through your sheer clothing.
Trend #10: Bulky Bag
An oversized bag to lose all of your purse contents in? Sign me up please. I may lose everything I throw in this overly large purse but it matches the outfit.