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Future releases Part 1 of New Documentary..Says Ciara Shaded him! Ciara Responds!


Future is finally coming out about his side of the story and what he thinks REALLY led to their split! in Part one of his new documentary, Future comes clean about times he felt Ciara shaded him and his Artistry and he wasnt being true to himself . Check it out below!

What he told Ciara about why he wouldn't marry her (3:10):

I want to marry you but can't have no big wedding. On E! News. I can't have all these big ass media outlets cover my wedding and I'm not comfortable. I'm not even comfortable with the people in here. I'm not comfortable where I'm at in my career. I'm not comfortable about compromising - being the person that I am - being the man I am. I feel like my better judgement is to go back to record and make better music...(3:57) I felt like I knew what I was doing...I said it.

On Ciara shading him and kicking him off her album (after Body Party's success):

She was pregnant and she started working on her next album. Me and Mike Will finished the album before the album she just dropped [referring to ‘Ciara].

She didn’t want us to be a part of it at first. Like damn, we just came off a No. 1, and you go straight to Dr. Luke andstart working with him? You go right back to the pop lane after we get a little steam?

We shouldn’t do that. We should’ve just finished what we started. You know what I’m sayin’? Go back into that ‘Body Party’ lane and give the fans what they want. That’s what they want from you. Like, let’s give them that and let it cross over to pop — instead of trying to chase that crowd.

But she was like ‘nah, I wanna record it this way.’ So me and Mike Will didn’t even get a chance to work on that album.”

Well there are 3 sides to every story...check the evidence below.

And after Ciara found out she wasn't to happy about Future's responses:

Screenshot 2015-07-14 07.49.02.png


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