Rich Homie Quan faces Child Protective Services !

Well There you have it! After a video posted by Rich on snapchat surfaced with Rich Homie Quan smoking weed with his son on his lap Rich Homie Quan is now getting targeted by Child protective services! Sources tell TMZ Georgia authorities saw the video of RHQ's 1-year-old on his lap as he puffed away, and they were alarmed. Child Protective Services and the Fulton County Police Department have now teamed up to investigate. Shortly After however the Rich Homie himself issued out this apology to the public:
To whom it may concern:
First off,I would like to apologize to my son,(Royal) my fans and all the parents around the world.By no means would I do anything to hurt my son or any kid in the world.I regret that I chose to continue to smoke once Royal jumped in my lap.After looking back on it I realize my error and I am sorry for my actions. I would also like to take the time to let people around the world know that this pedestal that I have been placed upon I do not take it for granted but I need people to understand that I am only human and I make mistakes just like anyone else. In spite of this situation I will continue to strive to be the best parent I can be. Thanks RHQ!!
We Guess he realized that some things need to be taken more seriously and should stay off the gram...Check out the video Below.