It's So Hard To Say Goodbye
Last night’s state of the union was one for the books. As President Obama addressed he country in the iconic speech for the last time, it was made devastatingly clear that his time as president is coming to an end.
With the whole country tuning in with a listening ear, Obama brought up many issue he hopes to address in his final year in office.
“Rather than subsidize the past we should invest in the future.” The president is posing a challenge to congress to act on climate change. Obama vows to overhaul coal mining on public land, and to start research on global warming.
Following his speech on gun violence a few weeks ago, Obama had Gabby Gifford sitting front row at the state of the union long with the families of other victims of gun violence. Once again he stressed the importance that we take preventative measures on gun violence.
The most shocking proclamation made last night was ta launch for a cure for cancer. For years people have wanted a cure for cancer maybe now we will actually get one.
After Obama leaves us “we need to fix our politics.”