Taraji P. Henson Gets Kicked Off of "Empire"?!

For a while now, there have been some interesting things floating around the name of Taraji P. Henson. Yes, the Taraji of the hit show, Empire. And exactly what it is might blow your mind.
People have been speculating of Henson taking drugs on the set of the show a few times, and is now let go from the production.
“Let me tell you something, ‘Empre’ producers were looking for a woman in their early 30’s that has ‘mainstream’ appeal… I wasn’t having any of that.” Taraji tells TMZ. In fact, what people thought were some crazy drugs, were actually Garcinia. Which is just a weight loss pill that helps you burn fat as energy. Taraji was taking the pills because during the filming of season 3, she was 190lbs, and the producers wanted her to drop a little over 40lbs to keep her role asthe infamous, “Cookie Lyons”.
Henson has appeared on TMZ and even on the Wendy Williams to try and clear the air of what seemed t be blown out of proportion…
A FOX spokesperson sent out a statement saying, “We were concerned over the allegations that Taraji was doing harm to herself by taking drugs, we saw the drastic body transformation during the set of Season 3 and couldn't believe how she lose weight so quickly.”
The pills have been seen on the Dr. Oz, Doctors show and have been reviewed by thousands of people on Amazon, with great results. And Taraji isn’t the only person who’s been under the magnifying glass with losing weight. So has Jennifer Hudson and even Wendy Williams herself.
We’re hoping that all turns out to be okay in the longrun.