Where is Chance the Rapper?

After 6 singles, still no album! Artist, Chance the Rapper has left fans waiting for some time now. His last major album was dropped in 2016, major as in Grammy award winning! It has been rumored that Chance has been in and out of the studio with different artist, the 6 singles he released have no features on them so that has to mean he is cooking something up with the features on an album… right? It has also been said that Chance has been working with Kanye West on an album titled “Good A** Job.” This is not a rumor, which is great. In September of 2018, Kanye West joined Chance on stage in Chicago to tell the fans that they were working on something together. After seeing the work these two have put out before, just imagine what an entire joint album would be like. We’re waiting for you Chance… we’re all waiting for you!