Lala Anthony’s Legacy as a Black Woman in America

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”
― Audre Lorde
It is an everyday struggle for Black women to progress in today’s world due to the many restrictions they receive from birth. Over the decades, Black America has gained more Black female role models as different issues began to uprise limiting Black life and as the media began to evolve. Lala Anthony is one of many inspiring role models. She can be known for having hosted BET’s 106 and Park, as well as for being an actress, however that is not all that she has to show for. Lala is also a New York Times best-selling author, producer, mother and entrepreneur, among many other great things. As a growing and successful Black woman, Lala has evolved in the way she represents herself as well as how she uses her platform.
As a current ambassador for McDonald’s Black and Positively Golden, she supports McDonald’s vision to uplift and support the Black community. Having Lala as an ambassador is a great way for McDonald’s to distinctly voice the message they are trying to convey, as these are the very things that she stands for and represents on a day to day basis. She expresses that she is looking forward to the many opportunities that lie ahead in the future, in regards to her partnership with McDonald's. She understands the importance of having McDonald's as a positive influence in the Black community during a time where so many other companies are ignoring the fact that the Black community is a struggling community.

Lala spent some of her time in life at Howard University, a Historically Black institution in Washington D.C. Being that she was an out-of-state student at an HBCU during a time where she was learning to find herself, it was not a surprise to hear her state that attending Howard University gave her many lifelong skills. HBCUs are safe places for Black students and are seen as the building grounds for Black excellence. Though she did not graduate, Lala credits Howard in having a major impact on her life as it gave her the foundation to be independent and think for herself. She is truly a role model for Black America for admitting that she is not proud of discontinuing her college career and is still being able to shine a light on how that experience has molded her into the woman she is today.
Being a Black woman alone is a struggle, but learning to love yourself in a world whose goal is to try to convince you that you have little worth is a beautiful thing. “I do have bad days, my life is far from perfect. I always say we can’t always control what happens to us, but we can control how we react to it.” She adds. “So I’m always mindful of not allowing that to consume me or mess my day up, and to just continue to put positivity out there-- really believing that if I do that, it’ll come back to me.” Lala acknowledges how important happiness is by finding her own ways of loving herself and keeping positive spirits. Some of her self-care resources are positive affirmations and self-discipline.
When asked what advice she would give to the younger version of herself in regards to growing up as a Black woman in today’s world, Lala expresses that self-confidence and drive are two important factors needed to survive while staying true to herself. “Love yourself inside out,” she adds this lesson her father taught her, “it starts with you. That's something I would remind myself then and am still reminding myself now.” Almost everything Lala spoke on can be tied back to the topic of self-love. This truly goes to show that she has strong foundations within herself which keep her focused, positive and motivated as a Black woman, despite the limitations the world tries to set on the life of a Black woman.
One of her goals as a Black woman is to leave a legacy focused on giving back, as that is what is most important to her. Lala acknowledges that where she is now in life is the product of the support she has received over the years. “That’s something I’m always mindful of,” she notes, “and I want to give back to young kids in inner cities and that's what my charity is all about. I just feel like the ultimate measure of success is giving back and helping someone else. You can’t just keep it all for yourself.” These words signify a humble leader who acknowledges her flaws and prides herself in seeking opportunities to empower others. Powerful Black women like Lala not only see the importance of pressing forward, but also understand the impact of helping someone else along their journey of exceeding life’s limitations. Black women like this Lala are going to inspire others, ignite a change in the world, and ultimately break societies' limitations on the life of a Black woman.