Tamar Braxton vs. Loni Love... AGAIN

Now, Tamar Braxton went to The Wendy Williams Show and among all things Wendy brings up The Real. We all know that Braxton used to be one of the four co-hosts of The Real and was fired. While Wendy was live, The Real was too and they were actually watching Wendy's show. Now, if your show is LIVE why are you watching someone else's show? Sounds messy right... Now, yes it was messy of Wendy to ask about something that transpired YEARRSSS ago. Don't get too confused I'll drop the clip in a minute. Loni Love, who ALWAYS is the first and sometimes only one who speaks up when it has something to do with Braxton. I think everyone should've came for Wendy for answering the questions because clearly Braxton is in a beter space and she answered the question perfectly.
Look at the clips, if you haven't seen already and let us know something. I'm a ride or die Tamartian so you probably can understand my view but honestly this is like beating a dead horse and I'm OVER IT. The Real is still going through its course and Tamar is on to her other ventures. Let by goes be bye gones. OH, I forgot to mention, after the clips or whatever they both took it to Instagram and OH LORDY. Things got deleted off social media but I'll attach what I can find that's left on the net.