
Do you wanna step? Who wouldn’t? And we have the perfect song to step to. Drew Got’em just released a new song titled “Steppin” with a video that makes you want to get up and dance. Drew Got’em, originally from Columbus, Ohio, is taking the world by storm and getting their name out there to everyone. The group said, “When people watch and hear #steppin , I want them to feel happy, good about life and be able to vibe to (even if you don’t know any dance moves )..... just get up and look silly and zone our all of your worries for that moment . Life’s all about having fun especially now during pandemic; The COVID-19 has everyone under the weather, so I hope to bring a ray of sunshine to everyone’s life through a mix of jazzy instruments and an upbeat melody.” I’m sure this isn’t the end for Drew Got’Em, they’re only just getting started. So make sure you listen to their new single “Steppin” and follow them on social media @DrewGotEm to see what they have coming next!