Chris Brown ARRESTED! Was It All A Set Up?

This morning the R&B singer’s Tarzana home was raided by the Los Angeles Police Department who were searching for a weapon that was used to allegedly threaten a woman. They were originally denied access by Brown who maintained his 4th Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure (although some sources instead describe it as an hour long standoff). Shortly before 1 p.m., officers entered the residence after taking much of the morning to obtain a search warrant, a process that Deputy Chief Bob Green described as “long and protracted.” Meanwhile, Brown took to his Instagram account, sharing videos in which he protested against the police and media and said he was being unfairly portrayed as a villain. Brown’s attorney, Mark Geragos, was on the scene as LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division detectives searched the property and at least a half a dozen people were escorted out of the home, patted down, and interviewed.
How Did The Incident Allegedly Go Down?
The search was sparked by a call for help from a woman who said she had been threatened by the performer, police sources said, with officers first arriving at Brown’s home in the 5000 block of Corbin Avenue about 3 a.m. Tuesday. The woman, Baylee Curran, told The Times that Brown pointed a gun at her during a violent rage before she ran outside to call police. According to police reports, Curran and a friend had gone to Brown’s home with a business associate, who was invited by the musician, and planned to talk to Brown about future projects. When she went inside, a handful of people were hanging around. She eventually went to Brown’s backyard to get some fresh air and soon got into a confrontation with the musician shortly after she walked back into the house. Allegedly a man was showcasing expensive jewelry inside the home and once Curran began to admire a diamond cross necklace Brown spazzed. “I don’t know if it was Chris’ friend or how he was related, but that’s when he told me to back away from the diamond necklace and started cussing me out and calling me names,” she said. “That’s when Chris pulled his gun and told me to ‘Get out.’ He said ‘I’m sick of you girls, get the F out!’” Curran says she ran outside with her friend when Brown pointed the gun at her face but, she was forced to wait by the home’s front gate until Brown’s associates retrieved her phone (a requirement for going inside the home). When an associate arrived with Curran’s phone, he said he’d only give it back to her if she signed a non-disclosure agreement to which she refused. She then reports that she snatched her phone from the man’s hand and ran away, leading the man to run to his Jeep and give chase. Curran concludes that she and her friend made it to a neighbor’s property and hid under an SUV parked outside when the Jeep drove by before making a call to the police.
Who Is Baylee Curran?
With Chris Brown’s history of run-ins with the law it is quite easy to label him as the bad guy (which many sources and outlets have already began to so) but, if we were to look further into this narrative, could there possibly be more to the story. The biggest question that has to be answered is, who exactly this Baylee Curran is. Curran, 24, is an aspiring model/actress who frequently parties and hangs with celebrities such as Dr. Dre, Justin Bieber, Lil Twist, and even Chris Brown who she claims to have hung with "several times before" without incident. According to her IMDB mini biography, “Baylee Curran is an on screen actress, model, red carpet host, and former Miss California Regional. She is known for her lead roles in Cold Blooded, The Prodigal Son, and the International Hair Commercial for Mohair. She is on billboards in every country including those in the Middle East and Europe. Baylee currently holds the title of 2016 Miss California USA Ambassador and also Egypt’s 2016 Miss Love and Peace.” Sounds like a true angel right? Well what Baylee excluded from her bio is that she was stripped of her Miss California title in July. According to Miss Califoria Regional's official facebook page:
"...wanted to clarify some of the news posts today. Baylee Curran is not our titleholder. Miss Curran has been dethroned in July of this year due to breach of contract. She has been asked numerous times to return her crown/sash which she has refused to do. We do not condoned [sic] alleged actions of Mr. Brown or his associates however Miss Curran has incorrectly identified herself as Miss California Regional. We hold everyone in our organization to the highest standards in their moral values".
What Is Curran seeking?
Over the course of the day Curran has done numerous interviews with sources such as TMZ Live!, EOnline, and more (and we can’t help but notice that some of her stories don’t match). Now this is the same woman who is reportedly, “fearing for her life”, yet, as we speak, she is still giving exclusives. Her latest post made on her Instagram profile (which has since been made private) displays a video of her addressing her newfound critics.
Yes Baylee, we would but, TMZ wouldn’t immediately be our first stop...maybe a doctor for your "assault" injuries?
Now to make matters worse Nia Guzman (aka Chris’ Baby Mama) is getting involved (yes the same one who recently lost in family court after claiming that Chris wasn’t a fit parent). Following all that went down today, Guzman’s attorney Carl Anthony Moore is now arguing that “Royalty was inside the house at the time of the incident. Fortunately, Nia was able to get Royalty back in her custody before police arrived.” Here’s where the timeline gets a little bit complicated — police have allegedly been outside Chris’ home since 3 AM on Aug. 30, which would mean Nia had retrieved Royalty in the middle of the night. When pressed, Moore added, “Royalty was in Chris’ custody but that she was in school at the time of this incident.”
According to TMZ, Chris was reportedly at home with friends, including rapper Ray J, 35, who also posted a video in support of Brown. When “uninvited guests” showed up at his party. The individuals were allegedly asked to leave, and according to a police report that one woman from inside the house filed (Baylee Curran), Chris “threatened” her with a gun! However, TMZ also reported that another person who witnessed the events claims Chris was sleeping the entire time.
What We Know As Of Now?
Chris Brown has been arrested on SUSPICION of ASSAULT with a deadly weapon. There has been no evidence besides word of mouth, nor was the alleged victim ever physically assaulted. Police have been after the singer for years and it looks like they’ve finally got there wish. Could Baylee Curran be the next Ryan Lochte? We'll let you decide whose side of the story you believe and will keep you posted on any new updates.