Derrick Rose Rape Case Emerges Again, But With a New Face Involved.

According to TMZ, the rape case that had Derrick Rose in trouble back in 2014 is resurfacing again. But now, with Nick Young’s name in the mix. In 2014, Rose’s ex-girlfriend accused him and two other NBA players of gang-rape with her.

The issue with the case itself, there were apparently text messages sent between the two, before and after the allegations were made, that maybe there was some consent with the sexual act. According to the, the courts stated, “Plaintiff’s ability to send a text message after she left the Beverly Hills residence does not establish as a matter of law that she was able to consent to sex.”
The “Jane Doe” stated that she was a virgin befoe the incident and that she was drunk at the time. But Rose claims she is only going through this for money and because she is after celebrities.
The case was sent to rest, for a little while, but a text message has resurfaced that says, “since u goin to nicks can u please tell him to give u my bra lol.”
Apparently, the “Jane Doe” Is speaking of Nick Young….
As of right now, TMZ has reached out to Nick Young but there Is no comment yet. We’ll wait for more details to report any further.