Tommie Lee Quits Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta

The most talked-about chick on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is about to chunk up the deuces to Mona Scott-Young, according to a recent rant on Instagram Live.
Tommie Lee who made her debut as the girlfriend of Scrapp De Leon, a rapper who’s the son of criminal mastermind, Karen “KK” King,has been on the last three seasons of LHHATL.
Since her introduction on the series, Tommie has been an aggressive and outspoken young woman. She has dealt with Joseline Hernandez a few times causing her to almost be in jail and most recently, she’s carried her combative character to her mother, as the two fought heartedly at the beginning of the sixth season after Tommie came home from jail.
Recently, Tommie took to her Instagram Live to rant and ramble, and among the many insights she revealed, she stated that this season of LHHATL would be her last and that she wouldn’t be returning next season.
Sources claim that Lee and a fellow Love & Hip Hop Atlanta cast member got into a legitimate fight in Jamaica this month. VH1 and Viacom then got together and demanded that the producers fire Lee because they have a zero tolerance for violence on the set and they believed that Lee was a threat to the other ladies.
Also, allegedly that Joseline Hernandez is considered the star of the franchise and actually gets a say on who gets to stick around and who must leave.
An insider says Joseline is not a fan of Lee because “while she respects the hustle, she was always fighting."
This insider expounds:
"Joseline nearly lost her mind when producers re-hired Tommie back for this season. She’s been scheming to get her fired ever since.
"If she did get her way and Tommie got cut, Joseline shouldn’t get too comfortable. I can’t imagine them kicking her off for good."