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Men In Hollywood Exposed For Sexual Harassment

Producer and Director James Franco was accused of sexual harassment in January 2018,The women that have exposed him with these harsh allegations were four of his former students and another was his men-tee. He was first exposed when Ally Sheedy posted a bundle of tweets stating the alleged sexual misconduct with James Franco, Ally later deleted her post's following that situation, but later two other actors Violate and Sarah also tweeted about James Franco stating that he had acted inappropriately with them. Violate Paley tweeted with a statement saying, “Cute #TIMESUP pin James Franco. “Remember the time you pushed my head down in a car towards your exposed penis & that other time you told my friend to come to your hotel when she was 17? After you had already been caught doing that to a different 17 year old?” Another tweet was made by the so called “victim” Sarah and she stated “Hey James Franco, nice #timesup pin at the #GoldenGlobes, remember a few weeks ago when you told me the full nudity you had me do in two of your movies for $100/day wasn’t exploitative because I signed a contract to do it? Times up on that!” In my opinion, for the women who came out with these allegations are first of all doing it in childish way instead of just going straight to the police about it. And second of all, for the second tweet from Sarah Tither-Kaplan, if there was a contract signed by to do these action in a professional movie set, then where is the illegal action of sexual harassment? But james franco isn't the only hollywood actress that has been accused of sexual harassment A.J. Calloway is in the same boat! A.J. Calloway is an American Television Personality. In 2006, Calloway exposed himself to Sil Lai Abrams in a car, tried to kiss her, and masturbated in front of her. After she filed the report to the police, the case was dismissed. A.J. told the judge he does not know anything of this allegation and walked as a free man. Ever since this case closed, it has not surfaced since then.

What can we do to stop sexual harassment? How can women better protect themselves? Sexual Harassment goes on behind closed doors more than we know and it has to come to an end.

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