What’s My Name?

He’s back! Eddie Murphy will star in a Netflix remake of the classic blaxploitation film, Dolemite. Murphy will play the role of Rudy Ray Moore and America will be able to view this film on October 25th, 2019.
Before we discuss the details of this movie, let’s have a little history lesson…
In the 1970’s, there were a series of films labeled as “blaxploitation” films. The urban dictionary defines blaxploitation as “a genre of movies popular in the 1970s. Usually the N word is used about 3,000 times.” The films were known for depicting black people in a negative light. Hollywood quickly took advantage of these movies and produced many more of these films for the public. These films included Blackenstein and The Mack. Now back to Dolemite. Dolemite is the autobiographical story of Rudy Ray Moore. Moore heard stories about a man named Rico and wrote the stories down. Moore later assumed the identity of Rico and created the character, Dolemite. In the movie, Dolemite is an expert at Kung Fu, a pimp with a slew of prostitutes, and a flashy dresser. Moore was later featured in Snoop Dogg’s videos. He died in 2009 of complications from diabetes.
The remake of this movie will be an instant success. Eddie Murphy is a comedic genius and he never fails to get the attention of the audience. Murphy has starred in movies such Dr. Doolitte, Dreamgirls, Norbit, and the classic Coming to America. Eddie Murphy is a Golden Globe winner and celebrated Hollywood actor.