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Christina Bell Interview

Wednesday, April 8th, I had the opportunity to interview Christina Bell via Instagram Live about her exciting new role as Twinkie, in the Lifetime movie “The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel.”

The Clarks Sisters are gospel royalty and, by far, the most influential and recognized group and Gospel history. Their new movie is premiering April 11th on Lifetime, and is executively co-produced by Queen Latifah, Mary J. Blige, and Missy Elliott. One of the first questions that we discussed during the interview was how she was able to get this amazing opportunity. She shared with me that her management had found the opportunity for her and encouraged her to go outside of her comfort zone of stage plays and to audition for 3 of the available roles for the movie. She received a callback within the next 24 hours informing her that she had won the role of Twinkie and was asked if she could be on a plane to Canada the next week to start filming. Of course to which she agreed right away. To prepare for the role, Christina had to hire an acting coach because, although she has played in numerous church plays, film is very different from doing stage plays. In order to fully embody the character, she turned her attention to all things Twinkie including watching interviews and videos. She stated, “As we all know, the Clark sisters have a very loyal fan base a.k.a. ‘The Clark Hive’ and if you don't do what they know Twinkie would do, they will be on you like white on rice.” Without giving away too much, we talked about the significant relationships that had a big impact in Twinkies life, such as her relationship with her mother and the abusive relationship with her first husband. The relationship that she had with her mother was fairly average, but most of the time, she could be very controlling. We also discussed how the abusive relationship that her mother and father had could have played a role with her selection of her first husband.

As Christina stated in the interview “ A lot of time people tend to pick partners that are similar that are like their father and men tend to seek relationships with people like their mothers.” This tends to happen because, while growing up, a child's first comprehension of love is based on the relationships that you have with your parents. When asked What is one of the best lessons that you learned from the experience? Christina replied that one thing that she wants to make sure that people understand is that “As far as making quick important decisions, you should make sure that you are in the right headspace, and consider what is going to happen later on because of the decision that you made. You must consider how its going to affect those you love as well as those that share in your life.” One of the most valuable lessons that can be learned from the movie and this role is that love can uplift or it can smother and lack necessary respect when it is given selfishly as opposed to selflessly. It also illustrates the great importance of considering the bigger picture when it comes to making impactful and life-changing decisions. I know one of the big questions in everybody's head right now is What do should we be on the look out for with Ms. Christina Bell honey? Lucky enough for us, she has a lot of new music dropping this year including her New EP that just came out titled Just Believe as well as a single she has out now called “Going”. For all things related to Christina Bell you can visit her website at to stay up to date with everything he has in store and upcoming.

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