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Scandal is Taking a Break!

“Scandal” is taking a break, but only for a little bit. Due to Kerry Washington’s most recent pregnancy, she is taking a hiatus from social media and also, having the show take a short stop until about the fall season. So your Thursday night line up will be slightly different, without your beloved Olivia Pope, but no fear, there is something that can keep your attention for the time being.

There is a new show in the works, called “Still Star Crossed”. According to Baller Alert, the show is a sequel to the tragic love story of Romeo & Juliet. It starts right after Romeo & Juliet’s story ends and starts with the main character, Rosaline, who is supposedly Juliet’s black cousin. You’ll have to wait to watch the show when it airs to see the full details of this interesting show.

Of course, Shonda Rhimes is producing it, so there is hope for the famous #TGIT for sure!

Meanwhile, continue watching for Season 3 of “How to Get Away with Murder” and “Grey’s Anatomy.”


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