Blackish Creator Gets Slammed with $1M Lawsuit from Old Friend!

The creator of Black-ish, Kenya Barris, just got slammed with a $1M lawsuit from an old friend who claims that he stole his idea and is taking all of the fame. His friend, Bryan Barber states that some years ago, Barris “wrote, developed, and shopped the pilot episode for Black-ish without his knowledge or authorization.”

The original plan of the show was supposed to be Barber’s idea for a television show on the “black experience” seen through the eyes of a successful black man working in a white man’s world. All of this is explained in an 18-page complaint that was typed up by Mr. Barris.
Also included in the complaint, he lists all of the similarities between he and Barber’s script.
Concluding, according to, the “original” creator is suing for a return of money, and “full accounting, creator and writer credit” too.
All of this sad to come to light after the show has become Emmy-nominated and brought in a very large viewing amount. Hopefully this settles out okay, and everything turns out A-OK between the two.
If you would like to view the court document, you can access it HERE thanks to