Lifetime's Bring It! Dance Coach Arrested For Statutory Rape & Criminal Exposure to HIV!

Just this Friday,“Bring It!” Coach John Conner was arrested for statutory rape and exposing a child to the disease HIV. According to the police report, John had sexual relationships with the young boy without using protection.
John Conner is a Memphis dance coach that has been seen on the hit show, “Bring It!” a few times, with his team the, The Infamous Dancerettes. The show is aired to millions of viewers and is ranked pretty high at the moment, as they are going on in their third season of this year.
Apparently, Conner had sexual relations with the adolescent last year, and they met online, meeting up soon thereafter. According to the police report, the two had sex on several occasions and even sent risky texts back and forth of activity and nude pictures.
At the time, the boy was 16 and Conner, 26.
As soon as this information and Conner’s mugshot went viral, he took to social media himself to tell his side of things:
On Facebook he wrote that the allegations on him were not true and he said that he turned himself in once he found out he had a case on himself. He stated,
“I have nothing to run from or hold my head down for. I am a child of God first and I’m human second.”
Connor explains that he has done nothing wrong and it is not “him”. He is not that type of person, and he feels incriminated by the posts that are being made.
Only, him and the victim know exactly what happened, and the truth shall come out sooner or later. We will post more information as it becomes available.