Steve Harvey Makes Joke About Flint Water Crisis

On Wednesday, June 15th, five officials in connection with the Flint water crisis were charged with involuntary manslaughter. Manslaughter and a city’s poisoned water don’t seem to fall underneath the category of humor, but once again, Steve Harvey has astounded us with his tasteless jokes.
After the Cleveland Cavaliers lost in game five of the NBA Finals, a Warriors fan from Flint, Michigan called Harvey’s morning show to tease him about their recent loss. He told Harvey that “Cleveland didn’t deserve jack.” Harvey, a Cavs fan and former Ohio native, didn’t take the caller’s teasing lightly. According to listener accounts, he first asked the man if he was from Flint, and then went on to ridicule him by saying,"That's why y'all ain't even got clean water. When was the last time you touched water and it didn't have lead in it?"
A user on Facebook began recording the conversation after that comment. In the background, Harvey’s co-host can be heard laughing and telling him to “reel it in.” Harvey backtracked his remarks by saying he wasn’t talking about the city of Flint, he was talking about him (the caller). The renowned television host then responded, "He gone call in and say Cleveland don't deserve jack and he over there bathing in all that silver water." The caller stayed on the line and before he could hang up Steve Harvey shocked his listeners with these last words, "one more thing.... Enjoy your nice brown glass of water."

About a year ago, Amariyanna "Mari" Copeny, known as "Little Miss Flint appeared on Harvey’s television show. She tweeted about Harvey's comments Wednesday, telling him, “Hey Steve Harvey remember me? Yea, the little Flint girl… please don’t make water crisis jokes.” In addition, Fifth Ward Flint City Councilman Wantwaz Davis and other Flint officials appeared on Harvey’s afternoon talk show in March 2016. Davis stated he was not at all surprised by Harvey’s recent comments. "It made me extremely disappointed and upset, but I was nowhere near fooled by who this man is," Davis said.
Harvey has yet to apologize or make a comment.
Listen below for the audio of the conversation: