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Disney Produces First LGBTQ Storyline

Disney channel is set to release its first LGBTQ story line in their second season premiere

of their show Andi Mack.

Andi Mack is set to release a storyline where one of their characters realizes and deals with the fact that he is gay.

Andi has a friend named Cyrus who reveals that he has a crush on

the same boy as Andi. The show not only helps to start the conversation about homosexuality; teaching the lesson of inclusion and respect for others. In the episode, Cyrus reveals how he feels to his and Andi’s friend, Buffy. This isn’t, however, the first time an LGBTQ character has appeared on Disney Channel; nearly three years ago, a lesbian couple appeared on an episode of Good Luck Charlie.

Cyrus’ journey will continue to be an ongoing story throughout the series, with Cyrus

starting to come to terms with his feelings and also how to tell his girlfriend, Iris. Disney

Channel worked with child development experts along with GLAAD, PFLAG and the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. “Television reflects real life and today that includes LGBTQ youth who deserve to see their lives depicted on their favorite shows”, Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD, stated. “With more and more young people coming out as LGBTQ, Andi Mack is reflecting their lives and lived experiences of so many LGBTQ youth”.

The series Andi Mack focuses on the coming of age of a 13-year- old girl named Andi,

who learns that her older sister Bex is actually her mother. We follow as Andi and her friends, Cyrus and Buffy, go on the journey of self-discovery and figuring out their place in the world.


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