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Coming to America 2 In The Works

Coming to America, a classic black movie that features Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, Samuel L. Jackson, and Cuba Gooding Jr., is in the process of having a sequel made! Paramount announced in February 2019 that the sequel will be released in 2020. In the first Coming to America, Prince Akeem (played by Eddie Murphy) is from a rich country in Africa, and has his hopes on finding himself a wife that truly loves him (and does not care about the fact that he is a rich prince). To avoid his country’s tradition of arranged marriage, Prince Akeem leaves his home and comes to America with his friend, Semmi (who is played by Arsenio Hall). Akeem is hoping that he will find a queen in America without his princely title, so he acts as if he is a poor college student working in the food industry. While on his search for love, he runs into Lisa McDowell (played by Shari Headly) but she is already in a relationship with lazy Daryl. Semmi is not very comfortable in their poor living conditions, so he decides that their apartment needs an upgrade, meanwhile Lisa and Prince Akeem start dating. Later on, Prince Akeem’s parents come to America to see their son, but Akeem goes into hiding, not wanting to see them. When Lisa finds out his true identity, she was extremely upset, but Akeem kept trying to explain that he was looking for someone who would love him without his princely title. I don’t want to spoil the entire move for you, but there is a happy ending with a surprise at the end that is definitely worth seeing.

Coming to America 2’s plot hasn’t been released by Paramount yet, but many sites have reported that the movie will involve Prince Akeem, most likely known as King Akeem now, learning that he has a long long son in America. Upon learning this shocking news, he will leave his African country to meet the heir of the throne of Zamunda. It is unsure if the movie will take place in NYC again, but could it really be Coming to America 2 if it wasn’t in NYC? There is also talk that Eddie Murphy won’t just play one role in the movie… he will also play the role of a villain, the ruler of a country nearby Zamunda that is suffering from extreme poverty.

Coming to America 2 is expected to be released in August of 2020.

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