Truth: Is Sabrina Claudio’s Album is Everything
Sabrina is my go-to sad songs playlist A-Lister, but this one is a whole new level of depression kitty (a Big Mouth reference for the uncultured) bops. Sabrina has always had a very sultry sound and an amazing way with words that spoke to my soul but this time something feels different.
Sabrina’s voice travels far and wide in the realm of Alternative R&B. Making herself noticeable with beautiful renditions of songs written by Frank Ocean, Beyonce, and Hiatus Kaiyote to name a few. Her YouTube covers pushed her to release more music to a broader audience. Soon thereafter she dropped her debut EP confidently lost on SoundCloud. Nearly a year later she re-released the EP on Apple Music once she got more recognition for her music. Of course her best piece of work to date “About Time” dropped months after. Now here we are today, listening to Truth Is and curating opinions and thoughts on the album. So keep reading to see what I came up with!

Knowing the Miami native with the whisper tone voice as a vocalist she is a phenomenon! At only 23 she has the voice of an old, Smokey back up jazz vocalist for Etta James. You know talent but not Etta James talent. Nonetheless, phenomenal! But I must say, sis has rubbed a few people the wrong way; and in the midst of “cancel culture” it’s not a good look. So last year some of her old tweets resurfaced and it was distasteful to say the least. Now am I inclined to tell y’all what she said? Not necessarily, no, but I will. So in a nutshell; Our south beach songstress is of Cuban and Puerto Rican decent and she was tweeting things like “It must suck to be a black girl with no booty” and “Fuck it, I’ll be a black girl for Halloween.”
Now I know you all are asking, “How you feel about this girl?” I will tell you this much. The whole idea of Latinos not being too keen on black folks is not new to me, do I feel a type of way because she was throwing the N-word around like her loose floppy ponytail? Sure of course I do. But what we’re not going to do is crucify her for some tweets she made in her teens! I for one will not at least because I know in 14 or so years somebody is going to dig up my tweets and cancel me for calling someone a “bald-headed bitch” but there is no reason we need to negate from her talent!
And with that. Truth is is an amazing vocal story of her growth and development as a woman, and artist. The two projects preceding this one were also stories as a look into her life as she grows. It’s like listening to a bedtime story be told by someone living the story. The album consists of 11 tracks and astounding features. Zany from the former band One Direction is in a very sexy song called “Rumors” leading you to believe the duet might be making more than music. “All these rumors spreadin’ around/ And I kind of like the way they sound/ All these rumors about you and me/ How can we make this a reality?” “The process of this album has helped me not only grow as a woman, but also as a human being as well,” Claudio said of the new LP in a statement. “By letting go of my fears and concerns, I’ve gained so much happiness and freedom. With that freedom I’ve also gained confidence...I’m still learning about myself, my body and my mind, but I’m not afraid to tell my story.
Claudio is currently beginning the Truth Is tour to promote the new album so don’t be a stranger if she rears her head up in a city near you!