The Rock Will Be Playing His First Superhero

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is the highest paid actor in the world and seems to keep adding to his résumé effortlessly. He finally has taken on the role of a superhero. Johnson will be in DC Universe’s Black Adam. The collaboration has been alluded for roughly ten years now. In fact, the actor has constantly suggested that he would be playing a character with powers similar to SuperMan.
The film is scheduled to be released on December 22nd, 2021. Johnson actually confirmed this date himself in a length Instagram post on November 14th.
“Like most kids growing up, I dreamed about being a superhero. Having cool superpowers, fighting for what’s right and always protecting the people… As a kid, Superman was the hero U always wanted to be,” he wrote. “But, a few years into my fantasy, I realized that Superman was the hero, I could never be. I was too rebellious. Too rambunctious. Too resistant to convention and authority. Despite my troubles, I was still a good kid with a good heart – I just liked to do things my way. Now, years later as a man with the same DNA I had as a kid – my superhero dreams have come true.”
There has also been talk about a possible new addition to the production. Lawrence Sher Joker’s director of photography, will also assist in directing Black Adam. This claim hasn’t been confirmed nor denied by DC, however, their silence to not deny the claim has reassured fans. The process of shooting the film will not begin until the end of 2020. Sher is also scheduled to do other films in the meantime.