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It's Never too Late to acheive YOUR DREAMS

After playing 16 years in the NBA and winning two championships, 35-year-old, JR Smith has decided to take his talents to North Carolina A&T to study liberal studies and join the school's golf team. "It's going to be fun. Obviously different environments from playing in front of 20.000 people to playing in a college golf gallery...But it's still as nerve-wracking as shooting a free throw in front of 5.000 instead of making a 5-foot putt in three. So it all correlates the same for me." Smith said in a statement to ESPN. The NBA vet has been playing golf for about 12 years and started to take the sport seriously in recent years.

The NCAA cleared Smith to play golf on August 24th and will officially be a member of the school's team. "It was probably one of the most exciting feelings. I've had in a while. I really didn't know how it was going to go...but to be able to actually call myself a student-athlete is a great feeling." The New Jersey native originally committed to play for Roy Wiliams at UNC in North Carolina but opted to go directly to the NBA. He was selected 18th overall in 2004 NBA draft, which was also the last year players were allowed to come straight out of high school.

Former teammates and NBA peers have sent Smith well wishes after news broke about getting his clearance.

Throughout his NBA career, Smith was unofficially crowned the "Henny God". While walking on campus for the first time, a student recorded him with the caption, "He really off the Henny rn." Of course, the video went viral and the House of Highlights posted the video with the commentary and Smith understandably was frustrated.

Students being excited or even shocked to be walking the same halls and sitting in the classroom with an NBA player is to be expected but students have to respect his space and privacy.

"I got everything else just need my degree." Special shoutout to JR Smith for going back to school and getting his education and choosing an HBCU.


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